Accelerate productivity. tighten security.

Build applications with greater agility and enhanced security.

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Accelerate your Digital Transformation with Agile and DevSecOps

At IntellectFaces, Inc. we have Agile & DecSecOps coaches certified in SAFe, CI/CD, and Blue-Green Deployments who make necessary cultural changes to move to a customer-centric Agile & DecSecOps organizational mindset.

We ensure that security is built-in from inception and carried forward throughout from software development to production.

With IntellectFaces, Inc. Agile & DecSecOps, accelerates your organizational digital initiatives, tightens the security, adopts compliances, increases automation, collaboration, & transparency and enhances customer value.

What do we Do?

Embracing and combining our Agile & DevSecOps services, you can build a secure foundation.

Let our specialists solve the problems, tackle the challenges, and transform your business digitally.

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