Find technical details and reasons behind vulnerabilities.

Perform a realistic hands-on simulated attack on your network and applications

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Take the next step towards protecting your business

We not only find out the vulnerabilities in your systems but also determine how good your current intrusion monitoring devices are at recognizing and reporting the attack.

With our tests and recommendations, you can optimize your agency's security stance and be confident that your network will resist malicious intrusions which takes you to the next step towards protecting your business and diminishing the chances of a data breach.

We help define a solution balanced around your business objectives. Our penetration testing reports are simple but detailed enough with customized remediation advice that is proven to be effective while keeping the cost and time to remediation low.

Why IntellectFaces, Inc. for Penetration Testing?

Red and blue team exercises

We use comprehensive risk assessments and continuously monitor high-risk vendors and work with specialized experts to analyze gathered data to issue reports.

Strengthen your IT infrastructure

Penetration testing analyzes your organization's IT infrastructure and its ability to defend against external or internal attempts to gain unauthorized access to your system and provide insight to strengthen infrastructure to protect against attacks.

Regulatory compliance

Security controls, like penetration testing, are found in the PCI DSS, or NIST/FISMA commands. We help you adhere to regulations and avoid penalties for non-compliance.

Let our specialists solve the problems, tackle the challenges, and transform your business digitally.

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